Company name
CBL Corporation Limited
Date of appointment
23 February 2018
Appointment contacts
Level 21, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland
Type of appointment
Voluntary Administration and Liquidation
Brendon Gibson and Neale Jackson
Martin Burrows
Company names
CBL Corporation Limited (3888838)
Deposit Power Limited (5413982)
South British Funding Limited (5481482)
CBL Corporate Services Limited (3755461)
LBC Holdings Americas Limited (5535411)
(All formerly ‘Administrators Appointed’, now ‘In Liquidation’)
LBC Holdings New Zealand Limited (4772359)
LBC Holdings UK Limited (4774859)
LBC Holdings Europe Limited (4774919)
LBC Holdings Australasia Limited (5535467)
LBC Treasury Company Limited (6040888)
(All formerly ‘Administrators Appointed’, now ‘Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement’)
Neale Jackson and Brendon James Gibson were appointed joint and several Administrators of each of the abovenamed companies on 23 February 2018 by special resolution of the directors of each of the abovenamed companies in accordance with Section 239I of the Companies Act 1993 (‘the Act’).
The watershed meetings for a number of companies in the CBL group were held on 18 December 2018. The outcome of those meetings was as follows:
- Deposit Power Limited, South British Funding Limited and CBL Corporate Services Limited: creditors resolved all three companies be placed in liquidation so they are now in liquidation. Brendon Gibson and Neale Jackson of Calibre Partners are the appointed liquidators.
- LBC Holdings New Zealand Limited, LBC Holdings UK Limited, LBC Holdings Europe Limited, LBC Holdings Australasia Limited and LBC Treasury Company Limited: creditors resolved that all five companies should execute deeds of company arrangement (‘DOCAs’) that were tabled at the meeting.
- LBC Holdings Americas Limited: the watershed meeting for this company was not convened because it has creditors. In accordance with section 239E(2)(b) of the Act the administration of this company ended on 11 December 2018. LBC Holdings Americas Limited was placed in liquidation on 18 March 209 pursuant to Section 241(2)(a) of the Act.
CBL Corporation Ltd was placed in liquidation on 13 May 2019 by order of the High Court, Auckland pursuant to Section 241(2)(c) of the Act.
All other enquiries can be made to the following email address:
Download documents
Reports, Updates and other documents
- Notice-of-Appointment-of-Administrators 23/02/2018 51kb
- Media release 26/02/2018 207kb
- Circular to Creditors 27/02/2018 636kb
- Notice of joint first meeting of creditors 27/02/2018 51kb
- Enquiries-from-Shareholders.pdf 02/03/2018 72kb
- Update-to-Creditors.pdf 03/03/2018 71kb
- Notice of extension to convening period 28/03/2018 55kb
- Announcement - CBL Corporation Limited - Voluntary Administration Sale of PFP Business 07/05/2018 86kb
- Administrators report to creditors for the purposes of the watershed meeting 11/05/2018 1mb
- Circular-to-Creditors-(CBL-only) 11/05/2018 333kb
- Announcement - CBL Corporation - update on Voluntary Administration timeline 11/05/2018 77kb
- Announcement - CBL Corporation - update on Voluntary Administration 11/05/2018 232kb
- Announcement - CBL Corporation Ltd - Voluntary Administration Watershed Meeting 18/05/2018 86kb
- Announcement - CBL Corporation - Voluntary Administration Watershed Meeting 19/06/2018 79kb
- Notice-of-extension-to-convening-period 14/08/2018 42kb
- Administrators Report (20 Sept 2018) 20/09/2018 133kb
- Circular to Creditors (DOCA) 11/12/2018 2mb
- Circular to Creditors (LIQ) 11/12/2018 2mb
- Notice of joint watershed meeting of Creditors (DOCA) 11/12/2018 50kb
- Notice of joint watershed meeting of Creditors (LIQ) 11/12/2018 49kb
- Deed of Company Arrangement - LBC Holdings Australasia Ltd 11/12/2018 2mb
- Deed of Company Arrangement - LBC Holdings Europe Ltd 19/12/2018 2mb
- Deed of Company Arrangement - LBC Holdings New Zealand Ltd 19/12/2018 2mb
- Deed of Company Arrangement - LBC Holdings UK Ltd 19/12/2018 2mb
- Deed of Company Arrangement - LBC Treasury Company Ltd 19/12/2018 2mb
- Advertisement - CBL Corporation - Notice of extension to adjournment period 14/02/2019 41kb
- Announcement - CBL Corporation - Voluntary Administration Watershed Meeting feb 2019 22/02/2019 88kb
- CBL Corporation Ltd - Administrators final report (27 May 2019) 22/03/2019 123kb
- Announcement 13/05/2019 83kb
- CBL Corporation Ltd - Administrators final report (27 May 2019) 27/05/2019 123kb
- Notice to Shareholders - Declaration of Value 04/06/2020 29kb
Administrators final reports
- LBC Holdings Americas Ltd - Final Administrators Accounts (21 December 2018) 21/12/2018 129kb
- LBC Holdings Australasia Limited - Final Administrators Accounts (21 January 2019) 21/01/2019 117kb
- LBC Holdings Europe Limited Final Administrators Accounts 21 January 2019 1 21/01/2019 120kb
- LBC Holdings New Zealand Ltd - Final Administrators Accounts (21 January 2019) 21/01/2019 119kb
- LBC Holdings UK Ltd - Final Administrators Accounts (21 January 2019) 21/01/2019 120kb
- LBC Treasury Company Ltd - Final Administrators Accounts (21 January 2019) 21/01/2019 114kb
- CBL Corporate Services Ltd Final Administrators Accounts (21 January 2019) 21/01/2019 115kb
- Deposit Power Ltd Final Administrators Accounts (21 January 2019) 21/01/2019 113kb
- South-British-Funding-Ltd-Final-Administrators-Accounts-21-January-2019-1 21/01/2019 113kb
Deed Administrators’ 1st reports
- LBC Holdings Australasia Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 104kb
- LBC Holdings Europe Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 104kb
- LBC Holdings New Zealand Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 104kb
- LBC Holdings UK Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 104kb
- LBC Treasury Company Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 104kb
Deed Administrators’ 2nd reports
- LBC Holdings Australasia Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (3 February 2020) 03/02/2020 108kb
- LBC Holdings Europe Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (3 February 2020) 03/02/2020 107kb
- LBC Holdings New Zealand Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (3 February 2020) 03/02/2020 107kb
- LBC Holdings UK Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts (3 February 2020) 03/02/2020 107kb
- LBC Treasury Company Ltd Deed Administrators Accounts 3 February 2020 03/02/2020 107kb
Deed Administrators’ 3rd reports
Deed Administrators’ 4th reports
Deed Administrators’ 5th reports
Deed Administrators’ 6th reports
Deed Administrators’ 7th reports
Deed Administrators’ 8th reports
Deed Administrators’ 9th reports
Deed Administrators’ 10th reports
Deed Administrators’ 11th report
Deed Administrators’ Final Reports
Liquidators’ 1st reports
- CBL Corporation Ltd - Liquidators' First Report 07/06/2019 602kb
- Distribution of reports - application 07/06/2019 152kb
- Distribution of reports - sealed orders 07/06/2019 920kb
- Liquidators' fees - sealed orders 07/06/2019 999kb
- S280 - application 07/06/2019 610kb
- s280-sealed-orders 07/06/2019 857kb
- CBL Corporate Services Ltd (In Liquidation) - 1st report (21 December 2018) 04/02/2020 404kb
- Deposit Power Ltd (In Liquidation) - 1st report (21 December 2018) 04/02/2020 394kb
- LBC Holdings Americas Ltd - 1st report (25 March 2019) 04/02/2020 258kb
- South British Funding Ltd (In Liquidation) - 1st report (21 December 2018) 04/02/2020 394kb
Liquidators’ 2nd reports
- CBL Corporate Services Ltd (In Liquidation) - 2nd report (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 123kb
- Deposit Power Ltd (In Liquidation) - 2nd report (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 123kb
- South British Funding Ltd (In Liquidation) - 2nd report (16 July 2019) 16/07/2019 121kb
- LBC Holdings Americas Ltd (In Liquidation) - 2nd report (15 October 2019) 15/10/2019 114kb
- CBL Corporation Ltd - Liquidators' 2nd report 12/12/2019 134kb
Liquidators’ 3rd reports
- CBL-Corporate-Services-Ltd-(In-Liquidaiton)-3rd-report-(3-February-2020) 03/02/2020 130kb
- Deposit Power Ltd (In Liquidation) - 3rd report (3 February 2020) 03/02/2020 128kb
- South British Funding Ltd (In Liquidation) - 3rd report (3 February 2020) 03/02/2020 128kb
- LBC-Holdings-Americas-Ltd-(In-Liquidation)-3rd-Report-(8-April-2020) 08/04/2020 111kb
- CBL Corporation Ltd - Liquidators' 3rd report 15/06/2020 144kb
Liquidators’ 4th reports
Liquidators’ 5th reports
Liquidators’ 6th reports
Liquidators’ 7th report
Liquidators’ 8th report
Liquidators’ 9th report
Liquidators’ 10th reports
Liquidators’ 11th reports
Liquidators’ final reports
NZX 2015 Announcements
- 151012-CBL-Charters-and-policies 337kb
- 151013-Assetinsure-annual-report-2012 7mb
- 151013-Assetinsure-annual-report-2013 7mb
- 151013-Assetinsure-annual-report-2014 7mb
- 151013-ASX-listing-application-and-agreement 955kb
- 151013-ASX-listing-information-form-and-checklist 106kb
- 151013-ASX-listing-information-form-and-checklist-2 26kb
- 151013-ASX-pre-quotation-disclosure 128kb
- 151013-CBL-Corp-annual-report-2013 2mb
- 151013-CBL-Corp-annual-report-2014 3mb
- 151013-CBL-Corp-half-year-financial-statements-2015 5mb
- 151013-CBL-Corp-IPO 2mb
- 151013-CBL-finalises-assetinsure-acquisition 472kb
- 151013-CBL-Group-statement-of-financial-position-2014 10kb
- 151013-CBLI-annual-report-2012 2mb
- 151013-Completion-of-assetinsure-acquisition 112kb
- 151013-Constitution-of-CBL-Corporation-Limited 437kb
- 151013-Corporate-governance-statement-ASX 99kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Anthony-Hannon 222kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Carden-Mulholland 454kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Dean-Finlay 493kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Henry-Ray 481kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Ian-Marsh 705kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Jennifer-MacFarlane 454kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-John-WElls 341kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Michael-Parrott 461kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Norman-Donaldson 406kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Paul-Crawford 47kb
- 151013-Initial-disclosure-notice-Todd-Campbell 70kb
- 151013-IPO-allotment 410kb
- 151013-Listing-and-quotation-notice-CBL-Corp 129kb
- 151013-Pre-quaotation-disclosure-notice 72kb
- 151013-Product-disclosure-statement 827kb
- 151013-SSH-notice 3mb
- 151013-SSH-notice-Alistair-Hutchison 2mb
- 151013-SSH-notice-Peter-Harris 2mb
- 151013-Successful-listing-for-CBL 508kb
- 151014-CBL-finalises-acquisition-of-Assetinsure 472kb
- 151014-Gregor-Pfitzer-ongoing-disclosure-notice 779kb
- 151014-Hamish-Lilly-ongoing-disclosure-notice 585kb
- 151014-Peter-Wedgewood-ongoing-disclosure-notice 575kb
- 151110-CBL-planning-to-acquire-leading-UK-insurance-broker-PFP 225kb
- 151204-CBL-completes-UK-PFP-acquisition 449kb
- 151014-CBL-finalises-acquisition-of-Assetinsure-2 112kb
NZX 2016 Announcements
- 160114-CBL-exercises-option-to-acquire-shares-from-shareholder 139kb
- 160121-CBL-delivers-clear-strategy-for-Assetinsure-Pty-in-first-90-days 230kb
- 160219-New-licences-in-Mexico 312kb
- 160224-Full-year-results-announcement-date 96kb
- 160229-CBL-results-announcement 3mb
- 160331-2015-annual-report 3mb
- 160331-ASX-special-dividend 474kb
- 160331-ASX-special-dividend-2 474kb
- 160331-Maiden-dividend 127kb
- 160331-Notice-of-annual-meeting 459kb
- 160331-Notice-of-event-affecting-securities 459kb
- 160331-Notice-of-event-affecting-securities-2 443kb
- 160331-Section-209-notice 60kb
- 160503-AGM-address 2mb
- 160503-Annual-meeting-results-and-director-independence 130kb
- 160610-CBLI-achieves-rating-upgrade-to-A 451kb
- 160620-Brexit-update 442kb
- 160623-CBL-Corp-to-make-$151m-strategic-acquisition-of-SFS-and-IMS 444kb
- 160627-Planned-SFS-acquisition-investor-briefing 288kb
- 160627-Planned-SFS-acquisition-investor-briefing-2 284kb
- 160630-SFS-and-IMS-proposed-acquisition-investor-presentation 507kb
- 160701-SFS-EPS-update 229kb
- 160706-CBL-seeks-right-to-repay-current-debt-early 171kb
- 160727-CBL-2016-interim-announcement-date 168kb
- 160727-CBL-receives-approval-to-repay-A$-medium-term-notes-early 253kb
- 160815-Half-year-2016-results-briefing 251kb
- 160817-Half-year-2016-results-briefing 323kb
- 160826-HY15-Half-year-announcements 2mb
- 160909-CBL-converts-to-foreign-exempt-issuer-on-ASX 109kb
- 160929-CBL-equity-raising-presentation 647kb
- 160929-Equity-raising 348kb
- 160929-Share-purchase-plan 378kb
- 160929-Trading-halt-on-securities 117kb
- 160930-CBL-completes-placement-to-support-growth-opportunities 393kb
- 160930-CBL-share-purchase-plan-application-form 411kb
- 160930-Trading-halt-lifted 59kb
- 161006-Notice-of-issue-of-securities 133kb
- 161006-Notice-of-issue-of-securities-2 132kb
- 161010-Appendix-3b-amendment 352kb
- 161010-interim-dividend-announcement 220kb
- 161011-CBL-obtains-regulatory-approval-for-$150m-acquisition-of-French-insurance-underwriter 479kb
- 161013-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-Carden-Mulholland 189kb
- 161014-CBL-gives-notice-for-early-redemption-of-FIIG-notes 350kb
- 161014-CBL-gives-notice-for-early-redemption-of-FIIG-notes-2 350kb
- 161020-CBL-considering-its-long-term-debt-funding-options 349kb
- 161026-CBL-share-plan-oversubscribed 349kb
- 161028-issue-of-securities 137kb
- 161028-New-issue-announcement 334kb
- 161028-SSH-Peter-Harris 75kb
- 161104-FX-rate-used-for-2016-interim-dividend 460kb
- 161104-Ongoing-disclosure-notice 186kb
- 161104-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-Anthony-Hannon 186kb
- 161104-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-Dean-Finlay 186kb
- 161104-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-Jenn-McFarlane 186kb
- 161104-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-Jenn-McFarlane-2 194kb
- 161104-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-Michael-Parrott 186kb
- 161104-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-John-Wells 186kb
- 161111-Shareholder-update-the-first-12-months-as-a-listed-company 630kb
- 161114-CBL-has-no-exposure-to-earthquakes 195kb
- 261020-CBL-considering-its-long-term-dent-funding-options 349kb
- Cleansing notice private placement 96kb
- SSH Alistair Hutchison 79kb
NZX 2017 Announcements
- 161004-New-issue-announcement-ASX 356kb
- 170106-CBL-SFS-acquisition 643kb
- 170224-CBL-yearly-results-Financial-statements 2mb
- 170224-CBL-yearly-results-5 625kb
- 170224-CBL-yearly-results-4 443kb
- 170224-CBL-yearly-results-3 347kb
- 170224-CBL-yearly-results-2 555kb
- 170224-CBL-yearly-results-1 281kb
- 170124-Results-announcement-date 480kb
- 170301-Ongoing-disclosure-notice 200kb
- 170301-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-2 200kb
- 170301-Supplementary-info-for-annual-results-for-FY16 169kb
- 170324-CBL-announces-conditional-agreement-to-buy-US-insurer 631kb
- 170331-2016-Annual-report 4mb
- 170331-Section-209-notice 62kb
- 170405-CBL-Announces-shares-sell-down-to-increase-share-market-liquidity 202kb
- 170405-CBL-share-sell-down-process 196kb
- 170405-Ongoing-disclosure-notice-directors-interest-Carden 191kb
- 170405-SSH-notice-Alistair-Hutchison 82kb
- 170405-SSH-notice-Peter-Harris 102kb
- 170405-Trading-halt-of-securities-limited 118kb
- 170405-Trading-halt-on-securities 118kb
- 170413-CBL-proxy-voting-form 75kb
- 170413-Notice-of-annual-meeting 211kb
- 170503-Annual-meeting-results-and-director-independence 202kb
- 170503-CBL-AGM-Slides 2mb
- 170503-CBL-Chair-s-address 196kb
- 170505-Mark-Christer-CBLIE-appointment 270kb
- 170612-CBLI-retains-rating-of-A 491kb
- 170615-CBL-joins-the-S-P-NZX50 507kb
- 170710-CBL-announces-Irish-acquisition 518kb
- 170714-CBL-2017-interim-announcement-date 173kb
- 170818-CBL-Management-call 455kb
- 170818-CBL-Records-strong-growth-but-profit-impacted-by-strengthening-reserves 617kb
- 170822-CBL-interim-announcement-dial-in-details 470kb
- 170824-CBL-reports-strong-half-year-revenue-growth 613kb
- 170824-HY17-Half-year-announcements 254kb
- 170824-HY17-Half-year-announcements-2 314kb
- 170824-HY17-Half-year-announcements-3 467kb
- 170824-HY17-Half-year-announcements-Financial-statements 626kb
- 170824-HY17-Half-year-announcements-Presentation 1mb
- 171002-SPH-notice-FNZC 135kb
- 171011-CBL-adjusts-minimum-solvency-capital-of-CBLI 241kb
- 171016-CBL-entering-Indian-infrastructure-market-JV 731kb
- 171102-SPH-notice-FNZC 130kb
- 171103-Carden-Mulholland-resignation 550kb
- 171103-CBL-presentation-to-FNZC 1mb
- 171107-Jennah-Wootten-HR-appointment 710kb
- 171122-CBL-Compliance-under-ASX-listing-rule-1-15-3 231kb
- 171127-New-COO-Suzanne-Tindall 556kb
- 171204-CBL-technical-session 2mb
NZX 2018 Announcements
- 180103-CBL-sub-in-Luxembourg-being-fined-E5,000 550kb
- 180108-First-NZ-Capital-movement-in-shareholding 135kb
- 180202-CBL-trading-halt-of-securities 186kb
- 180205-CBL-updates-on-FY17-expectations 568kb
- 180205-Trading-halt-of-securities 120kb
- 180207-CBL-updates-on-RBNZ-review 541kb
- 180207-CBL-updates-the-market-on-AM-best-credit-rating-downgrade 523kb
- 180208-CBL-suspension-of-securities 116kb
- 180208-NZX-suspension 150kb
- 180212-ASX-suspension 427kb
- 180213-CBL-to-exit-French-construction-business 540kb
- 180215-Suzanne-Tindall-COO-cease-of-employment 530kb
- 180220-CBLIE-direction-notice-cease-writing 428kb
- 180223-Appointment-of-Interim-liquidators 429kb
- 180223-Appointment-of-Interim-liquidators-MGN-doc 79kb
- 180223-Appointment-of-VAs 372kb
- 180223-Appointment-of-VAs-KM 206kb
- 180223-Appointment-of-VAs-KM-2 206kb
- 180228-Financial-results-will-not-be-available 59kb
- 180302-NZX-results-will-not-be-available 120kb
- 180308-KM-disclosure-on-NZX 134kb
- 180323-KM-update-on-VA-timeline 77kb
- 180403-NZX-late-annual-report 118kb
- 180511-KM-update-on-VA 77kb
- 180511-KM-update-on-VA-timeline 77kb
- 180511-Watershed-report 1mb
- 180518-VA-watershed-meeting 86kb
- 180619-VA-watershed-meeting-adjournment 79kb
- 180705-VA-sale-of-PfP-business 86kb
- 180707-Watershed-meeting-adjournment 79kb
- 180713-SJW-resignation-as-director 88kb
- 180921-Sale-of-EISL 72kb
- 181105-Watershed-meeting-adjournment 130kb
- 181108-Sale-of-AI 128kb
- 181112-CBLI-placed-into-liquidation 125kb
- 181207-Watershed-meeting-adjournment 133kb
- 181217-Watershed-meeting-subsidiaries 131kb
- 181219-Watershed-meeting-subs 115kb